AI MEDIA In present times many forms of media are being replicated by AI in very high quality. From Music to visuals to film and more. A common term used for the media produced by AI is “synthetic media.'' The quality is alarmingly good to the point where an AI created a deep fake Beatles song that sounded so real it had fans in tears. Some of the notably popular AI generators of recent are Chat GPT, NightCafe, Gencraft and Photosonic just to name a few. These technologies can produce content at a much faster rate than humanly possible which makes us question how long it will be before we are replaced by bots and AI. In a way we’ve already seen some smaller jobs being taken over such as the self scan at supermarkets. It seems only a matter of time before AI begins to completely take over people's full time jobs. Recently ChatGPT has become frequently detected in students' work even at university levels. This shows how if a bot can do it with just a few clicks people will simply make an AI do it. Because if an AI can create something in 3 clicks that would usually take a team of people days, weeks, months or maybe even more, why would they bother doing it themselves? There's also been many instances where AI’s have achieved many other things, for example winning an art competition or creating a song that sounds like it was sung by Kanye West when it actually wasn't. What are the pros and cons of these synthetic media? PROS:
-Produces content quickly with minimal human involvement.
-The output is broad synthetic media can incorporate: writing, music, drawings, paintings, voice or visuals.
-The number of applications is also broad synthetic media can be applied to apps, websites, gaming environments, VR/AR experiences and many more digital channels.
-There is less control
-Synthetic generation of voices
-Deep fake likeness can often fall into the uncanny valley (meaning they look real but give off a feeling that something is wrong) leading users to disengage with the experience.
-There is an arguable lack of art and craft with AI generated media eg music or paintings.
To conclude, it's clear that AI is developing at an slightly alarming rate. Potentially taking over jobs and getting people through graduation is a pretty important effect on our lives and our future.